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Scrip Program Details

Welcome to the Scrip Program!


Last updated 12-September-2021



1. What is scrip and how does it work?

Scrip is fundraising while you shop®! You buy gift cards for over 780 retailer brands you already
shop at and earn a rebate on every gift card you purchase at face value. That rebate goes right
to our organization. WFAEA works with the scrip wholesaler Great Lakes Scrip Center (GSLC)
who provides the website from where you will place orders.

For example, you buy a $100 physical gift card to Stop and Shop.  Stop and Shop offers a 4%
rebate on cards. You receive a $100 gift card and WFAEA gets a $4 rebate.

You may choose to donate 100% of the rebates to WFAEA, or you may choose to receive 50%
of the rebate to be returned to you. You may use your portion of the rebate however you
choose. The rebates are directly deposited into the WFAEA scrip checking account to be used
to support fine arts programs in the K-12 curriculum. If you choose the 50/50 split option, your
portion of the rebates are mailed to you twice yearly, once in early January for orders placed
June 1st - December 31st, and once in early June for orders placed January 1st - May 31st.


2. Are there any extra costs to participate in scrip?

All administrative costs for the scrip program are covered by WFAEA.


3. What does scrip look like?

  • Physical Gift Cards – These are the same gift cards you get at the store. Use them
    instead of cash or a credit card!


  • Reload and ReloadNow® - Some physical gift cards are available for either Reload or
    ReloadNow. Register an eligible gift card you purchased from ShopWithScrip and add
    funds to it when the balance is running low. Funds will be added overnight for cards that
    offer Reload, and instantly for ones that offer ReloadNow.


  • ScripNow – ScripNow is an eCard that you can buy and receive instantly. You can print
    off ScripNow, enter the card number and pin at checkout for online purchases, or
    redeem on you mobile device for certain retailers. They are available immediately.

  • ​

4. What retailers participate in GLSC program?

Hundreds of retailers nationwide work with GLSC, with new retailers joining every month.  Some of the more popular retailers are Stop & Shop, Panera, Starbucks, Staples, and CVS.  Rebate amounts vary by retailer, and specials are run several times a year.  Visit and under the “Learn More” tab, select “Our Retailers” for a complete list of participating retailers and the rebate they offer.  Under the “Specials” tab, you can see the current bonus rebates and offer period.


5. How do I get started?

Fill out a Scrip Enrollment Form.  It may be found on the WFAEA.ORG website under the Scrip section of the WFAEA Fundraisers tab.  You may scan it or take a picture of it and email it to the scrip coordinator at  Once your enrollment form is received, the scrip coordinator will email you the enrollment code so you can create your family account.



  • Go to

  • Click on the blue “Join a Program” box

  • Enter the enrollment code and click on “Register”

  • Follow the prompts to create your account.


5.2 SIGN UP FOR PRESTO PAY – There is a video tutorial available

  • Under the support tab, select Videos, Family Ordering, PrestoPay™.

  • Follow the instructions in the video



6. What is PrestoPay™ and how does that work?

  • Pay for your scrip gift cards online with PrestoPay™, the convenient payment system available on When you use PrestoPay™, your order payment is transferred securely via electronic debit.

  • PrestoPay™ is not a credit card system, because credit cards charge fees that are costly for our scrip program. Instead, PrestoPay™ uses the same electronic payment transfer used by direct deposit systems. It’s easy to use, and easy to get started!

  • Once you sign up, you will then be able to choose the PrestoPay™ option when you check out on, and have your payment securely transferred from your checking account right to GLSC. Each time you place an order, one small $0.15 convenience fee will be deducted from your account as well for the entire order placed.  

  • For more information about this online scrip payment system, view the instructional videos found on the same PrestoPay™ page on your ShopWithScrip account.


7. How do I place an order online with SHOPWITHSCRIP.COM?

  1. Go to

  2. Log in (You may be asked a challenge question or you may be asked to get a phone call or text message with a verification code)

  3. Select Shop.

  4. You may browse the retailers by name, or you can use Express Order if you know the name of the retailer. Just start typing the name in the box and suggestions will appear.

  5. Select quantity and click on Add to Cart

  6. You may add multiple retailers to your order

  7. Verify you order

  8. Enter your pin and click the Submit Order button on the right side of the page

  9. You will be charged one $0.15 convenience fee for the entire order.


8. How do I get my scrip?

If you are using ScripNow, Reload or ReloadNow, your scrip is delivered electronically.  For physical scrip cards, you will pick up your gift cards from the scrip coordinator.


Remember, scrip is like cash!  On your enrollment form, you may authorize other individuals to whom we can distribute your scrip, such as your child or another adult.  At pick up, you will be asked to sign for your scrip on the ORDER PICK-UP RECEIPT FORM to indicate “I have received my scrip order and the order is correct”. Your signature on the ORDER PICK-UP RECEIPT FORM indicates you or your authorized person(s) have received your order in its entirety.


9. How are my physical scrip cards or certificates ordered?

On the 16th of every month, August - May, the coordinator places a bulk order for everyone who has ordered physical cards or certificates through  GLSC fills the order and express mails the cards to the program coordinator who will contact those that ordered about pickup once the cards arrive.  


10. What if I miss the scrip pickup?

If you or another authorized person cannot pick up your cards, they will be held for you until the next pickup date.  Cards that are not picked up by the end of the WFAEA fiscal year on June 30th will be donated to WFAEA.


11. Does scrip expire and are there any limitations on its use?

Massachusetts law prohibits the expiration of gift certificates and cards.  However, several merchants do have limitations on the use of scrip.  Before you purchase any merchant’s scrip, we recommend visiting the participating retailers at to see specific terms.


12. Is there a minimum or maximum amount of scrip I must purchase?

There are no limitations on order amount or types of scrip.  You can participate in the program completely online if you don’t order physical gift cards.


13. How do I find out how much I’ll receive in rebates?

Log onto your account at  Go to Dashboard and then click on reports at the bottom of the screen.  Select which report you want to run and for what dates.  Our fiscal year runs July 1st – June 30th, and rebate checks are for June 1st - December 31st and January 1st - May 31st.  There are 3 reports you can run. 


Earnings Summary by Family gives you:

number of orders, total of the orders, net cost and rebate amount.


Family Order Detail Report gives you:

order date, order number, retailer, quantity ordered, face value. %rebate and rebate amount.


Family Order History gives you:

order date, order number, face value and rebate amount.


Divide the rebate amount by 2 and this will be the amount of your check (You get 50%, we get 50%.)


14. Where is my money kept?

Rebates are directly deposited into the WFAEA scrip checking account at Avidia Bank.  Rebate checks will be issued by the WFAEA treasurer and written from that account.


15. When can families begin participating in the scrip program?

At any time!


16. What happens if I order physical scrip after May 15th and before August 15th? 

Program volunteers will not be processing such orders after the last bulk order sent to GLSC in May.  If you accidentally place an order after May 15th, it will either remain in the system and be processed when our scrip program resumes the following August or will be canceled by GLSC.  If you need to cancel such an accidental order, please contact the Scrip Coordinator via email at


17. Is there any risk involved?

GLSC is a private business.  Although we have used all due diligence to confirm the company’s reliability, we cannot control or guarantee its solvency.  Should GLSC be unable to meet its obligations, we cannot accept responsibility for lost funds.


18. Contact Information

For questions contact the Scrip Coordinator at





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© 2024 by the Westborough

Fine Arts Education Association


​All are welcome! WFAEA typically meets the second Tuesday of every month during the
school year. Meetings are run by volunteers and feature updates from Chris Martin,
director of fine and performing arts at Westborough Public Schools.

  • ​​​​Tuesday, Sept. 10:

  • Tuesday, Oct. 8:

  • Tuesday, Nov. 12:

  • Tuesday, Jan. 14:

  • Tuesday, Feb. 11:

  • Tuesday, March 11:

  • Tuesday, April 8:

  • Tuesday, May 13:

  • Tuesday, June 10:

​​​7 p.m. via Zoom (link to come)

7 p.m. in person at WHS Library

7 p.m. via Zoom (link to come)

7 p.m. in person at WHS Library

7 p.m. via Zoom (link to come)

7 p.m. via Zoom (link to come)

7 p.m. via Zoom (link to come)

7 p.m. via Zoom (link to come)

7 p.m. in person at WHS Library







P.O. Box 31, Westborough, MA 01581



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