Sponsorship from local businesses, like you, provides needed funds to support fine arts clinicians, projects, programs and scholarships to elevate the student experience while creating an important connection to the community.
This year, for simplicity, we ask that business sponsors contribute at the level at which they are able, starting at $250.
We proudly recognize all our business sponsors in the following ways:
Digital Display: All supporter logos or ads will be prominently displayed during 8-10 High School Fine Arts events throughout the school year, with audiences between 200-400/event.
Newsletter: Your logo will be included in a special patron section of the WFAEA Spotlight newsletter emailed to 4000+ Westborough families throughout the school year.
- Business Sponsors Page: Your logo will be included on the Business Sponsors Page of the WFAEA website. Annually, we have more than 1300 unique visitors to our website.
If you prefer to pay by check, please mail to:
WFAEA, PO Box 31, Westborough, MA 01581
Logos and/or ads should be submitted as PNGs or JPEGs to info@wfaea.org.